Marine Corps League History
The Marine Corps League was established in June 1923, during a reunion in New York, of Marines who had served in the 1st World War. The League was chartered by an act of the United States Congress on August 4th, 1937.
The League was authorized to assist and aid in presenting claims before the Veterans Administration by Public Law # 243, passed by the 74th Congress of the United States of America.
The League was authorized to assist and aid in presenting claims before the Veterans Administration by Public Law # 243, passed by the 74th Congress of the United States of America.
Founded May 21, 1970, the Department of Texas is responsible for oversight of organizational units called detachments throughout the state of Texas. Each year a group of Officers are elected at the state convention that govern the direction of the department for the following year.
The Marine Corps League Cowtown Detachment 1480 met on January 2020 for the first time in Fort Worth, Texas. Because of the 2020 COVID pandemic, the Charter Ceremony was delayed until 17 September 2020. Detachment officers were sworn in to their positions at the Ceremony.